M5StickC+ Development Kit with Hat

24.99 €
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M5Stick-C is a mini M5Stack, powered by ESP32. It is a portable, easy-to-use, open source, IoT development board.

What it can do? This tiny block is able to realize your idea, enlighten your creativity, and help with your IoT prototying in a very short time. It will takes away a lot of the pains form the development process.

M5stickC is one of the core devices in M5Stack product series which is built in a continues growing hardware & software ecosystem. It has a lot of compatible modules & units, as well as the open source code & engineering community that will help you maximum your benefit in every step of the developing process.

Power switch operation:

  • Power on :Long press power button for 2 seconds
  • Power on :Short press power button for 6 seconds


  • Baudrate supported by M5StickC: 1200 ~115200, 250K, 500K, 750K, 1500K
  • Only Orange type is available for now
  • If you find out your M5StickC couldn’t power on without a USB in, it might because the battery enter the battery protection mode, caused by low-volatge, over-charged, ver-heat … To exit the battery protection mode, please keep charging the battery for around 40 mins. Our team is working on the solution.

Kit with 2 hat:

Hat ENV It is able to detect the temperature, humidity, air pressure and magnetic field. This product relates via I2C protocol which allows you to obtain 4 types of environment data thru just 2pins, together with the tiny body, makes it a powerful application for envitonment data collecting.

Hat SPK is an M5StickC compatible speaker, integrated PAM8303 amplifier (3w single channel type D power amplifier), High PSRR and differential inputs eliminate noise and rf interference, thus it has the characteristics of simple functions and high audio reproduction.